Thursday, January 19, 2012

K-12: Educational System in the Philippines

Some people say that education is the key to success, but nowadays having a college-diploma is preferably needed to have a nice and decent working career in the near future. Let’s take a little preview on the new administration’s working plan, The President proposed to have an additional 2 years in educational system running in the Philippines, which they think that it will solve the problem of unemployment, increasing number of people who’s in the poverty line, and they think that it will provide a high standard for the Filipino students to compete not only here but internationally. Then this grand Multi-Billion plan was approved and expected to implement this coming school year 2012-2013.

Generally, it’s a good plan, for the private schools because the total revenue will increase by adding two more years, but not for the poor people, which can’t even afford to give daily allowances to their children. I truly believe it’s not that necessary to add more years instead do change the curriculum and subjects that will suffice the need of the students to be competitive enough and focus on what the country needs like developing software, scientific works, medical fields and the like.

And of course, parents should be informed and motivated about this because they are the one who’s involved in providing support such as guidance and financial needs. Before anything else the Government should provide a lot of school rooms, chairs, staffs, and teachers and lastly, the availability of the jobs here in the country.

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